Raising a Call for Reform In Residential Tenancy Act
On June 8th, the Brampton Housing Provider Association (BHPA) joined forces with SOLO in a significant protest at Queens Park. The gathering aimed to advocate for fairness and reform in the rental housing market, highlighting the crucial need for legislative changes.

The Need for Fast Hearing by Landlord & Tenant Board
BHPA is calling for urgent reforms, advocating for expedited hearings by the Landlord & Tenant Board (LTB). The current delays undermine justice, often serving as an excuse for the injustices inflicted upon housing providers. Immediate resolutions for non-payment of rent are essential to clear the existing backlog and streamline the process for everyone involved.
Addressing the Dire Situation: Auto Eviction and Non Payment Of Rent
The increasing problems of theft, extortion, professional tenants, fraud, violence, disruption, and property damage are severely impacting housing providers. This pressure is driving many out of the market, threatening both housing providers and responsible tenants. Implementing an automatic eviction process for non-payment of rent could help mitigate these issues and promote a more balanced and fair rental housing market.
The Broken System: LTB’s Longer Processing Time
The inefficiency of the Landlord & Tenant Board is evident. As of February 2023, it takes six to nine months for landlord applications to be scheduled for hearings. This significant delay is unacceptable, particularly for small housing providers.
Reforming the Complicated Application Process
The outdated and strict application process slows down justice. Even small mistakes require starting over completely. Making this process simpler is crucial for timely and fair outcomes.

Collective Commitment: Participate in Advocacy
By coming together and speaking out, we can call for major changes to the Residential Tenancy Act and strive for a fair rental housing market. Your involvement matters—join us in advocating for quick hearings by the Landlord & Tenant Board, the elimination of digital hearings, and the introduction of automatic eviction for non-payment of rent. Let’s work together to create a better future for both housing providers and responsible tenants.